Thursday, December 27, 2007

Great Quote for Life

From the movie "Grand Prix" (1966)

Scott Stoddard: Y'know one of the most beautiful things about a car? If it isn't working properly, you can strip the skin off, expose the insides, find out exactly where the trouble is, take out the faulty part and replace it with a new one. If only we could do that with people!

2 min

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Driving in the snow

This is both for my general blog and my driving blog

Driving Professor

Here in the Northeast, people do not prepare their cars for the snow.

Specifically, here is the story on tires:

1. You must use snow or all season tires

2. The tread must be at least 6/32 deep (The Lincoln penny test is only 2/32, you need 3 times this to drive in snow).

3. The tires should not be over 5 years old.

If you don't meet all 3 criteria - YOU SHOULD NOT BE ON THE ROAD IN THE SNOW.


4 minutes

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

He's back


It had been many weeks since I have written anything. It was so long I even forgot my password....

There is a lot going on in my life and in the world - trying to make sense of them will be the topics for the next few entries


3 minutes