Wednesday, December 20, 2017

All over but he shouting

After living through this play twice before, I seem to know how it ends.

At first there are a lot of happy people who have maybe $20.00 more dollars in their pockets each week, but then after a few years they realize that the creep in fees, local taxes,  increases in cable bills and cell phone plans, end up costing much more. 

Then the retirement plans get cut, the roads get worse and it costs even more to get an education.  Eventually, people realize it was a stupid idea, and make steps to fix it.

Just when it is starting to work, people get greedy again and are sold anotehr bill of goods. 

Then the cycle starts again....

Saturday, December 09, 2017

All we have to fear is fear itself

What drives people?  I am proposing that people are all driven by two opposite emotions: Pride and Fear.

Pride, or Ego, does not allow us to be wrong - it does not allow us to be objective.  It makes us deny evidence.  It gives us privilege, defined by us.

Fear is the opposite, but with the same effect - it shapes our beliefs and does not allow us to accept things that force us to change - we are afraid of change because it means we have to have put an effort into meeting this change - at our core, we do not like change.

The true response is humility, the desire to search for truth, even it it does not fit with our preconceived notions.  This means changing your beliefs when presented with evidence to the contrary.

We will never be able to completely take emotion out of our actions, nor be able to understand everything put before us. We are capable of making informed decisions, and the more people who make informed decisions, the more possible the the group decision will be correct.