The new Trump administration seems to be focused on getting immigrants out of America.
Trump immigration crackdown: Denaturalization just a drop in the bucket
One interesting line in the article:
"While denaturalizations are unlikely to have a demographic impact by themselves, some economists fear reduced immigration could slow the broader economy."
Why is this important? Well the US birthrate is below 2.1, what is considered the replacement number to keep a population from declining. Right now, with the number of baby boomers living longer and with the immigrants - our population is growing. This needs to happen to keep the economy from stagnating.
While Baby Boomers have a fair amount of money - many lost during the last recession and most are on fixed incomes - their money is tied up in their houses. At some point this will trickle down, unless eaten up by health expenses.
So we need more young people willing to buy and borrow in order to grow the economy.
Or else we need to build and export - the problem is if we get too greedy with tariffs, then we will be subject to retaliatory tariffs. Oops.
"Blimey! This redistribution of wealth Is trickier than I thought!" Dennis Moore - Monty Python