Monday, January 02, 2006

Winter and short term memory loss

I am watching TV and they are predicting a 10 - 12" snowfall, with more to come at the end of the week. Why am I still here in Connecticut? The answer is that I have short term memory loss. I cannot remember what it was like to mow my lawn. I forget what it was like to be 80 degrees. I forgot what it was like not to have to warm up my car or sweep all the sand away from my driveway.

I assume the same thing happens in the summertime. I forget the heating bills, the rusty cars, the pain in your fingers while snowblowing, and the sickening feeling of sliding on ice toward the guard rail.

I must be turning into a true New Englander, just like the old story: A Southern salesman visits a old Yankee with a leaky roof - "Why don't you fix it?", the salesman asks. "Can't - it is raining right now", comes the reply. "Well fix it when it is not raining", says the salesman. The veteran Yankee says in reply, "Don't have to - it doesn't leak then."

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