Thursday, February 16, 2006

Window of Sorryness

You only get one chance to say "I'm sorry". That usually happens within the "sorry second", a time period not 19 hours long. Of course you have to say "I'm sorry" with a straight face. Saying it with whatever you are drinking dripping from the corners of your mouth while you are convulsing with laughter, just don't cut it. On the other hand, even though you may be sincere, if too much time has elapsed, the sincerity is eclipsed by guilt pressure. This however is still better than the "caught me sorry" (sometimes known as a "Monica Moment"), which happens usually after you have said "I didn't do it" (have..... etc.) So if you really want to avoid all those nasty press people and move on (pun not intended) with your life - when you do something wrong, say "I'm sorry" right away and mean it.

10 min

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