Monday, May 27, 2013

Brain Strain

A local pastor forgets the menu at a church event he set up.  A radio DJ says Labor Day when he means Memorial Day.  A TV weather man says July instead of June.  A National News show gives the wrong winner of a NASCAR race.  Isolated incidents?  Normally I would say yes, but I wonder if something bigger is afoot.  Electronics are rewiring our brains.  Smart phones, tablets, instant messaging, e-mails, web pages, blogs (even this one?) and videos are affecting the way we think.  For example, we don't know how to spell anymore, we wait for the computer to correct our spelling.  We don't remember phone numbers, we rely on the look up in our smartphones. (Of course we have so many more to keep track of, how could we remember them all.)  We zone out to an overload of videos, rather that letting out brains relax and rebuild after a long day.  We make more mistakes, waste more time, get less sleep.

How do we fix this?  We need to step away from the electronic devices and let our brains recover.  We need to find other ways of work that help our brains, not tax them.  As I come up with more ideas I will publish them, but for now I need to go for a bike ride...


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