Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Ego or not Ego

To be a president you have to have an ego.  What motivates it is another story.  Here are the presidents I remember in my lifetime:

Kennedy: Altruistic - driven by family pressure to be great
Johnson: Driven by fate - did not like Kennedy but felt he had to continue his work
Nixon: Driven by losses and a bit narcissistic - will hang on til last second
Ford: Not enough ego - fate put him there
Carter: A nice guy who really  thought niceness could win
Reagan: Another altruistic guy who I believe really thought he knew best
Bush 1: His turn - not egotistical enough
Clinton: A wheeler dealer - narcissistic but practical (knew when to fold them)
Bush 2: a bit of a puppet of Cheney and the GOP - toward the end was finding his swagger.
Obama: the chosen one - altruistic - the professor

Before we come to Trump

H Clinton: My turn -I worked and slaved my but off- put up with crap and should be rewarded.  Being first woman she would want to leave a legacy though.

Donald Trump - I am the best - but unlike Mohammed Ali -more talk than results - golden boy with opportunistic tendencies - everything revolves around me - willing to throw anyone under the bus if it makes him look good.   Not sure he really cares about America - just that he is best for America no matter what. a Realty TV show in the White House.

That is why I did not vote for him - not that Hillary was much better - but being the first woman would have forced her to be a better president.

Trump does not care - except about himself.

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