Saturday, October 14, 2017

The most $%$#@ I have heard - today

Steve Forbes was on a panel show on Fox.  the panel was of 4 men and 2 women - all but one of the panel (a man) was solidly in the Trump camp.

A the end of the segment, and at a point where no one could respond - Steve Forbes let out with this winner "I should not have to buy an insurance policy that covers pregnancy."  I am surprised that the women on the panel did not jump out of their seats and attack him.  What a %^%$# statement.  Does he not understand how insurance works?  Did he not have children himself?  Does he not have a mother? Should the women not have to pay into a policy that covers prostate exams? Should middle age people not have to pay into a policy that covers Alzheimers? 

The ACA tried to level the playing field but stating the minimum coverage that treats us all like individual human beings.  We band together as a society to provide health care for everyone.  The ambulance driver does not ask for your insurance card in an accident.  The emergency room doctor does not ask if his services are covered by your plan.  Do you want to get to the point where the police do not come to your house because you opted out of burglar protection on your taxes?

When we think about what these people are saying, we realize that we are being sold down the river by people who just wish to line their pockets.


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