Saturday, January 06, 2018

One year down


Here is my quick review of the President Trump's first year in office.

1. Supreme Court Nominee - Here the President really owes a debt of gratitude to Mitch McConnell.  If McConnell did not take the risk of delaying the nomination of President Obama's nominee (remember Garland?), then there would be no nomination to make.
2. Economy - like it our not, 2017 was still President Obama's.  The Dow came from almost nothing (6400 in 2009), to end up at 19,887 in 2017.  It is just crossed 25000 as I write this, but my opinion is that it is overvalued and due for a correction.  Will companies buy back stock keep it high?  Tune in during 2018.
3. Jobs - for 2017, we see the same problem as the last 8 years - jobs that are created are either highly skilled or minimum wage and not enough workers to fill the first scenario.  With the college bubble about to bust (a correction in tuition), I think companies should spend some of their saved tax money, not to invest in machinery, but to invest in training centers for the workers they need.
4. I do not see any problem with controlling immigration and protecting our borders.  The "my way or the highway" attitude hurts more than helps.  The Republicans know they need to turn many non-citizens into good taxpaying citizens, but after demonizing them for so long,  how do they get to that point?  DACA will be the first turning point.
5. Foreign Policy.  The President has some good people who are being compromised by the 3am Tweets and other outbursts.  Then you wonder how many good people are being forced to say things they don't want to.  An example is Nikki Haley's "we are taking names" comments at the UN.  If the administration does not have the courage of their convictions to take some criticism, you wonder if they are right.  The "It is my ball and if you don't play by my rules I am going home" is a childish attitude.

And that is all I will comment on.  Happy New Year


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