Sunday, September 30, 2018

Supreme Agony

In watching the circus which is the hearings for Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh, the following thought struck me.  For all those defending Judge Kavanaugh, with 100% certainty and how unfairly he is being treated, what about Bill Cosby?  What about all the priests and bishops of the Catholic Church who were accused and convicted of abuse.  What about the Hollywood producers and stars who ended up being guilty? 

We are going through a period in time where past sins are being dug up and used against people.  We have not yet drawn the line between what is fair and sensible and what is over the top.  Certainly what was done as a teenager is different than something done as an adult.  Certainly people can change and correct their faults.  As a Catholic, redemption is the key part of our beliefs.  However, redemption has a price. Honest admission of failings, expressing contrition, and leading a better life after.  I get the feeling Judge Kavanaugh has done the last one, not sure about the first two.

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