Thursday, March 28, 2019

Won't get fooled again

    Once again the American population has been fooled.  The headlines following the release of the Muller report should have been.  "Proven that Russia interferes in our election process by manipulating social media.  President duped into thinking he has a mandate." but instead the headlines read "No Collusion".  Order # 3015-2017 was titled "Appointment of Special Counsel to Investigate Russian Interference with the 2016 Presidential Election and Related Matters."  Robert Mueller was charged to investigate that plus any links between the Russian government and any individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump.  Implicit in that is the President, but not explicit.  Some people related to the president were convicted of crimes, mostly lying to investigators.  But why would you lie if you did nothing wrong?  I think that is the most puzzling question.  Could the plot be so Machiavellian as to deliberately obstruct justice knowing that obstruction is hard to prove in the absence of a crime?  I get a headache just thinking about it. 
    As I wrote over two years ago, I thought there was no direct conspiracy to collude, but there was a lot of jumping on the bandwagon of false statements, hyperbole and innuendo.  There are many people who want their name cleared, but the only way to do that is to release the entire report.  My belief is that will not happen soon without selective releases of information favorable to those chosen, or unfavorable to those not.  I predict if this course is followed, then Robert Mueller will be called before Congress and then all h*ll will break loose - if he is allowed to talk.  Remember there are still ongoing investigations that he was involved with and that may not allow him to speak freely.  Hmmmm. 
    As many people are advising the President - it would be better to take your victory lap, hollow as it is, and then let it die down and go away.  But like a scab, he will pick at it until it starts bleeding again.  The American people have already gone back to reading about the Kardashians,   Justin Beiber and their Facebook posts; which means in a year or so we will be back to the same place we were 4 years ago...

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