Sunday, November 10, 2019

Responsibility Part 1

In the 60-'s, you could not grow up without hearing the jingle "Don't cross the street in the middle of the block".  Here is a revision as I cannot find an original.  Here is another PSA with the same theme.

The concept was that the pedestrian had a responsibility to be sure THEY kept themselves safe.

Today people ASSUME that because there is a crosswalk or because there is a sign that says yield to pedestrians  that they are absolved of any responsibility.

Combine this with people walking and driving with cell phones and is it no wonder pedestrian accidents are up?

Responsibility is a two way street (pun intended) .  Too many people say "But I had the right of way..".   To be responsible means more than believing you are right - it involves accepting that sometimes other people might be wrong.


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