Sunday, September 27, 2020

How do we fix this?

 Okay, no one is happy with the state of things in the country, much less the world.  So how do we fix this?

Well the first thing is to identify some of the issues that we can change and then - change them.  I would be boasting if I said I had all the answers, or even could properly identify all of the problems.  But let me take a swipe at it.

I think there are several problems we all can agree on.

1. We do not like the idea of politicians being in office for life.

2. We want everyone to pay a fair share of taxes.

3. We do not trust the Internet and Social Media - or do we?

First - the answer to #1 is term limits.  But how long would it take and would the results be worse than what we have now?

Second - who decides what is fair? How do you measure how you are doing?

Third - I am part of the Internet -this blog IS part of Social Media - should you even trust me?

In the next weeks I will review all these-  one at a time and make some suggestions.  

Let's see if you agree with any or all of them.


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