Friday, April 29, 2022

Who moves and why - Musk and Twitter

 Elon Musk tweeted a meme about how the left has moved more to the left, and he has moved more to the right.  

Elon Musk tweets meme about America's political polarization as the left goes farther left.

Well in 2008, the first year in the meme, he was broke - sunk all his money into Tesla.  At the time over 150 million.  Remember 2008 - the world was in a depression, people were scrambling to save capitalism.  His actions were a typical entrepreneur - all in on his vision.  No problem with that - just remember that 90% of startups fail, an no-one hears about them..

In 2012, he says he moved closer to the center while the left kept moving left.  Maybe because they saw the bailout of the big companies, no banker got punished, and yet millions of people lost their homes. Hmmm.

In 2021 he says he is more to the right and the "left" is even more to the left (of course the "left" and "right" are never defined - it seems to be the extreme right and extreme left).  Maybe after 4 years of Trump and the destruction of virtually all they stood for, they dug their heels in - no compromise.  BTW- now he is worth 21 BILLION dollars.  Hmmm again.

""For Twitter to deserve public trust, it must be politically neutral, which effectively means upsetting the far right and the far left equally," Musk tweeted Wednesday. "

Why should it upset anyone?  If his goal is to  'authenticate all real humans' on Twitter, then the platform would no longer be left or right, but just a representation of real people.

"If the goal is to ensure that every account is tied to a flesh-and-blood person, the platform will need some way to verify they are real. One possibility is an expansion of Twitter's existing verification program. Currently, to receive a blue check on their accounts, users have to supply a link to an official website that they're affiliated with, an official email address or a government-issued form of identification. Musk could stop short of requiring identification but require that users use their real names."

The problem is even with real people, you could be lying.  One term that seems to be in the news lately is projecting.  That is, accusing someone of something you yourself are guilt of.  In psychology, it used to be an unconscious trait, but now it has ben weaponized like gaslighting.  How will Twitter handle this, or are they expecting the "Wiki" effect to police it?  How does that stop trolls?

Free speech does not mean unlimited speech.  The "free speech" responsibility comes BEFORE it is uttered.  I would say it has to be true (or as true and can be discerned) and put out in a positive manner.  We need a Hippocratic Oath for speech - first do no harm.  

But Twitter's philosophy is not free speech.  it is:

"Twitter is reflective of real conversations happening in the world and that sometimes includes perspectives that may be offensive, controversial, and/or bigoted to others."

The problem is that everyone's opinion is not equally valid.  And to police it at all is a losing cause.  So you need rules BEFORE someone posts, and that usually involves a moderator.  So I give Musk a chance to fix Twitter, he did launch and land a spaceship, but I think he will find that science and physics is easier that human interaction, precisely because it is NOT rocket science.

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