Thursday, August 25, 2022

Change - Can we?

 Previously I wrote a post on why people resist change. 

I have now looked at it from a different way and want to modify my first post slightly.

Not - why can't people change, but why people will not even consider change.

Using the rule of 3's, I will look at the following:

  1. What am I afraid of?
  2. Am I wrong?
  3. What will convince me?

Notice the word "fact" or "truth"  does not even enter into these.

Fear - I wrote about fear as part of the process of change.  Here I put it first as an obstacle to consider change.  Instead of saying to someone "why will you not change?"; maybe the better first statement is "what are you afraid of?"   By addressing this fear first, it might be easier to move to #2.

Am I wrong?  If you cannot admit that you could be wrong, you never consider anything other than your side of the argument.  Science is based on "Here is my idea, prove me wrong."  But if no proof is good enough to accept as proof, no one will ever change their mind.

What will convince me?  If you can get to the point where you can admit you can be wrong; and this could be by degree, it does not have to be all or nothing, then who do you listen to?  What research are you willing to do on your own?  What expense are you willing to put out to get the information?

Most people are more interested in staying the course rather then charting a new one.  Or at least verifying they are on the right course.

I find this discussion is a good starting point:

There Are 3 Kinds Of Truths In The World - Neil DeGrasse Tyson

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