Friday, June 30, 2023

You tube comment 6/20/2023

 I am 67 - government printing money usually comes after something else happens. Almost every other country in the world has "socialized medicine". You pay more in taxes, but there are no deductibles, no health care premiums, no employer is paying 50 or more % of your health care insurance. The benefits to the economy by not having that drag on it would be substantial. Is it perfect - no. But is it better if 100 people are using one MRI machine, or 20 people are using 5 MRI machines...... This is the same argument for people who want a flat tax - less bureaucracy, easier to manage, less people involved. But ask someone who is for a flat tax if they want socialized medicine and they will go ballistic. Real Capitalism works on supply and demand - but companies have learned how to manipulate supply and demand. Do you need to pay for 500 TV channels when you only watch 10? Do you need a $1000 smart phone when a $200 one will do fine. Do you need a $50,000 SUV to go to the grocery store when a $20,000 car will do?

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