Monday, December 18, 2023

Jordan Peterson and Helicopter Parents

 Jordan Peterson has a interesting take on why we have seen the preponderance of helicopter parents and spoiled children:

He feels this might be built into our society, going back to how the "pill" changed how women and society.

With less people having children and less children per family, this means each child is more important or valuable to the family, thus the effort to protect the child is higher.

This is in line with my belief that as our society move forward and eliminates death from disease and accidents, those than happen become outliers, and we are shocked by them.

Since it is unusual for an infant to die due to prenatal care, when it happens we are more shocked today than 30 years ago.  When someone dies in an automobile accident, in spite of all the advancements, it causes disbelief.  Since we have not had a full scale military draft since the 60's, young men and women dying in battle is a shock to the system and we demand answers.

But is it reality that has changed, or is it our expectations?  How can we prepare ourselves for life, when we have created a false reality that we live in?

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