Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Time is not fast enough

Entry for February 28, 2007

Time is the eternal enemy. It moves forward at a steady pace with a force that nothing on earth can slow it down. Yet there are some for whom time does not go fast enough.

We have to have things right now! There is not room for a flower to bloom or a project to take shape. If we don't have results right now we give up and move on to something else. We forget that most of the time it is the trip and not the destination we remember. That going though the motions - as negative saying as there is - has purpose. Think about "practice makes perfect" and "slow and steady wins the race". We will finally get to the point were we can do nothing, as we don't have the patience to even start?

8 min

See it through

For February 27

There are times that things just don't go the way you want them to. It is easy to quit. It is not easy to see it through. But you can't change the past, you can only affect the future. Rather than quitting, try taking a deep breath and change your mind to keep on going. You may be surprised about the experiences you will have on your travels.

5 min

Blog Etiquette

Originally for February 26, 2007

When I started this blog my goal was not to become famous, but to learn about blogs and how they work. I have just had a learning experience. It took a while but I finally got a comment (or two) to one of my posts. Then came the question, "Do I respond or not?" I did respond but then realized if I respond to all the comments, the responses will exponentially grow until I can never write another blog entry. So I am going to start my own set of blog rules and see how they work out.

First rule: - Never respond to comments, unless in a main blog entry.

Second rule: - I reserve the right to remove any comments which I feel are false or not in the spirit of my blog, which is intelligent, thoughtful discussion.

I will add others as I go along.

Below are some links to other blogs and sites for Blog Etiquette. I do not endorse them (I may take them off if I find better ones). They are there for reference only.
(I will clean up the links later)

10 min

Monday, February 26, 2007

I am not obsolete

There is a great Twilight Zone episode called "The Obsolete Man". While this deals with each human beings worth as a person, the notion of being obsolete is interesting on how it relates to mechanical things also. I just had to upgrade because my computer was "obsolete". It was no longer to keep up with the new programs and services that I need to interface with the modern world. At the same time, programs that I have been using, that have been serving me very well, are not working. Files than have critical data are not able to be opened. Are they obsolete? Or in our quest to move forward are we forgetting what got us here?

On a more practical matter, when you upgrade a computer or operating system, make sure you upgrade everything at the same time. As long as you stay reasonably current with your programs and files you should be able to keep them. However; do not underestimate the effort involved to do this. The computer gives you power but at a price.

10 min

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Something Old - Something New

I bought a new computer today. What a life changing episode. It takes a full day plus to introduce the new computer. First you have to move the old one out of the way and then hook the new one up. Once up and running you still need the old one to transfer all the files over. It is like you have a clean sheet of paper and you can control how all the things that went before are entered. Wouldn't it be nice if we could do the same thing with our life. That we could pick a date and start anew, what happened before happened, but it was not going to affect us going forward. We could look back on all the chaos and neatly reorganize it and proceed forward. However; life is not that clean and neither is the new computer. You find things that you forgot to transfer, some old programs don't work. Some things you can't bring with you and you are forced to leave them behind. Choices - we have to make them and move forward. Moving forward is better than standing still.

More on the computer tomorrow....

8 min

How much is enough?

How little in not enough? Jesus quoted the Old Testament when he said the "poor are with you always". Did he mean that people will always be poor? Can you really be poor if you have a house over your head,an (old) car in the driveway and your kids have the latest video game? Capitalism has always relied on "the poor" for labor. Currently this is supposedly the illegal aliens from Mexico and the like. What we need to look at is the economic justice in our society. Then decide if we can live with the status quo or keep trying to improve it.

5 min

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The more we think we know

I studied the Bible in high school and have continued on and off most of my life. Yesterday I sat down and was reading Genesis, source of much talk, if you follow the evolutionary wars. As I read it, I found contradictions, great foresight, challenging questions, unexpected twists and in the end I realized I do not understand the first book of the Bible, much less some of the lesser known books. How does this relate to today's life? How many of us think we are experts on the topics of today, when in reality we have opinions, but not knowledge. I cringe when someone says they know everything about a subject. What I have found is that the more you know, the more you realize there is so much more to learn. So a little humility please, and keep up the quest.

5 min

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

How much won't power

The nex few weeks of this blog will take a definite religious turn. Since it is Lent and I am a Catholic, I will be looking at secular issues from a religious point of view.

Ash Wednesday - the beginning of Lent - for most Christians Lent is associated with giving up things - candy, cookies, dessert etc. Even though the rules have been relaxed, for most Catholics it also means fasting on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and abstaining from meat on those days and also all other Fridays during Lent. As I am halfway through Ash Wednesday, my fasting is doing well, but my hunger isn't. Everytime I pass the candy jar, or think of cookies, the urge to cheat taps me on the shoulder. So far, my won't power (that is I won't give in) is holding up. But how is your won't power? Can you say no to that new video game, can you stop spoiling your grand kids with the latest toys, can you stop and help that person in need, instead of just walking by. In order to have won't power we have to stop and think what are the results of our decisions. In today's society we make decisions without thinking, either because we have jumped in the stream and let others steer our choices, or because we have too many choices to make quality decisions. So try slowing down and start using your won't power.

10 min