Monday, February 26, 2007

I am not obsolete

There is a great Twilight Zone episode called "The Obsolete Man". While this deals with each human beings worth as a person, the notion of being obsolete is interesting on how it relates to mechanical things also. I just had to upgrade because my computer was "obsolete". It was no longer to keep up with the new programs and services that I need to interface with the modern world. At the same time, programs that I have been using, that have been serving me very well, are not working. Files than have critical data are not able to be opened. Are they obsolete? Or in our quest to move forward are we forgetting what got us here?

On a more practical matter, when you upgrade a computer or operating system, make sure you upgrade everything at the same time. As long as you stay reasonably current with your programs and files you should be able to keep them. However; do not underestimate the effort involved to do this. The computer gives you power but at a price.

10 min

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