Saturday, February 24, 2007

Something Old - Something New

I bought a new computer today. What a life changing episode. It takes a full day plus to introduce the new computer. First you have to move the old one out of the way and then hook the new one up. Once up and running you still need the old one to transfer all the files over. It is like you have a clean sheet of paper and you can control how all the things that went before are entered. Wouldn't it be nice if we could do the same thing with our life. That we could pick a date and start anew, what happened before happened, but it was not going to affect us going forward. We could look back on all the chaos and neatly reorganize it and proceed forward. However; life is not that clean and neither is the new computer. You find things that you forgot to transfer, some old programs don't work. Some things you can't bring with you and you are forced to leave them behind. Choices - we have to make them and move forward. Moving forward is better than standing still.

More on the computer tomorrow....

8 min

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