Wednesday, February 21, 2007

How much won't power

The nex few weeks of this blog will take a definite religious turn. Since it is Lent and I am a Catholic, I will be looking at secular issues from a religious point of view.

Ash Wednesday - the beginning of Lent - for most Christians Lent is associated with giving up things - candy, cookies, dessert etc. Even though the rules have been relaxed, for most Catholics it also means fasting on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and abstaining from meat on those days and also all other Fridays during Lent. As I am halfway through Ash Wednesday, my fasting is doing well, but my hunger isn't. Everytime I pass the candy jar, or think of cookies, the urge to cheat taps me on the shoulder. So far, my won't power (that is I won't give in) is holding up. But how is your won't power? Can you say no to that new video game, can you stop spoiling your grand kids with the latest toys, can you stop and help that person in need, instead of just walking by. In order to have won't power we have to stop and think what are the results of our decisions. In today's society we make decisions without thinking, either because we have jumped in the stream and let others steer our choices, or because we have too many choices to make quality decisions. So try slowing down and start using your won't power.

10 min

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Boy, I'm glad I'm not Catholic... These cookies are great!